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easy 100 words to learn in a foreign language

Easy 100 Words & Phrases To Learn In Any Foreign Language + Guide To Learn Them

This article about the 100 words to learn in a foreign language may contain affiliate/compensated links. For full information, please see my disclaimer here.

Kick-start your language journey with this incredible list of 100 words to learn in any foreign language. Starting to learn a foreign language might seem intimidating or challenging. Many of us have the motivation but don’t know we to start. The first essential step is to learn the basic vocabulary. It will help you to get familiar with the language and understand your first sentences. This article will give you the list of essential 100 words to learn in a foreign language. I’ll also explain to you how to learn these words and what to do after you’ve learned them. Ready? Let’s get started.



List Of The Essential 100 Words To Learn In A Foreign Language

100 words make quite a long list. I can give you here the first 10 or 20, but let’s admit… The list would be simply too long to write into this blog post. And it would also be quite confusing. So that’s why I’ve created a nice word sheet for you, where you’ll have all the essential 100 words to learn. You can download it below for free and get started.


Get the List of 100 Words

easy 100 words to learn in a foreign language


Have you got your list? Perfect. After learning 4 languages (and I keep learning more), I know how hard it can get to achieve your language learning goals. That’s why I would like to guide you a few steps further and help you out with it.

In the next sections, I’ll give you some tips and tricks on how you can learn these 100 words in a fun and engaging way. Then, once you learn them, I’ll explain how you can keep going and learn your foreign language further. Which steps you should take to proceed. And how you can finally go from the beginner to the intermediate level.



Effective Ways To Learn The First 100 Words In A Foreign Language

I don’t recommend you just to memorize these words by heart without any method. Of course, you can do it and might get there… but we want to have some fun when learning languages. It’ll be much more enjoyable and effective if you learn new vocabulary using great strategies. Here is a quick list of tips for how you can learn the first 100 in your foreign language:

  1. create flashcards with words & images
  2. create vocabulary walls
  3. play pexeso
  4. play scrabble
  5. record yourself saying the words aloud
  6. change words in a sentence
  7. write the words into vocabulary sheets


So, let’s break each tip down. I’ll explain to you step-by-step how you can implement each tip into your language learning journey.



1. Create Flashcards With Words & Images

At first, I recommend you create flashcards. Cut 200 rather smaller pieces of paper. The size is up to you. I advise you to cut smaller pieces because you can take and carry the flashcards anytime.

Once you cut these pieces (blank flashcards), separate them into two halves. In the first half, write all the 100 words you want to learn. Write one word per flashcard. In the second half, either draw or glue some images that you can associate with each word. I know it might be quite time-consuming to find images for each word… so take it easy. Do it as you wish. Maybe create images only for the more difficult words ranked 50 – 100 on our list. However, you want to do it. Feel free to also skip the images and only create 100 flashcards with each word from our list.

The reason why I recommend you also create flashcards with images is simple. From my own experience, you learn new vocabulary faster when you associate the words with something. And the best thing is images. If you picture an image in your head, you’ll think about the respective word faster. That’s why I highly recommend you have flashcards with words and images.


How To Learn 100 Words Using Flashcards?

Once you have the flashcards, it’s time to play with them. You can simply mix them up and try to find a pair of flashcards, one with a word and one with a suitable image.

Or, mix them all up and leave them up-side-down. After, take the first flashcards and put them on a table. Then, take the second flashcard and again put it on the table. Repeat the same process over and over again. Put it right next to it whenever you find an image or a word that matches another flashcard.

This process helps you to have the first contact with the words. When you see a word, you automatically think about its meaning, trying to find a suitable image for it. You might not realize, but the foreign words are already getting to your head.

start learning vocabulary
Learn 100 words in a foreign language using flashcards



2. Create Vocabulary Walls

Another tip is to create vocabulary walls. Again the same process. Cut 100 pieces of paper. Write one word from our list into each piece. You can use color paper here. Once you have all words, put them onto a wall in your bedroom, living room, or kitchen. It has to be a space where you spend most of the time in your day.

Pro Tip: I recommend you get color paper (10 different colors). Use one color for 10 words. So for every 10 words, choose a different color paper. This will help you differentiate the words and organize them on the wall. You can then learn 10 words per day. So each day, but these 10 words onto your wall and try to remember them. The next day, choose the second 10 words in a different color and put them again onto the wall to learn them. Repeat the process each day until you have all 100 words on your wall.



3. Play Pexeso

Playing pexeso is so much fun. And the best part of it is that you might not even realize you’re actually learning a foreign language. Take the flashcards you’ve created in the first step (words and image flashcards), and simply play pexeso with them. Mix them all up and try to find a match with one word and one image flashcard. You can either play with a friend or partner or on your own.

100 words to learn in a foreign language Pexeso game learning vocabulary
Me playing pexeso using new words in Spanish



4. Play Scrabble

Another fun activity for learning your first 100 words in a foreign language is playing scrabble. But not the one you’ve maybe bought from a shop. We’ll have our own scrabble. As with the flashcards, cut pieces of paper. But this time, you won’t write words into each. Instead, you’ll only write a letter to each piece. Write each letter from an alphabet 3 times.

Once you have all letters, start playing. First, you’ll have to find suitable letters to put together and create one word. Either start with the first words from our list, or create any words from the list that comes to your mind.

100 words to learn in a foreign language topic specific vocabulary
Learn your 100 words using letters & play scrabble at home



5. Record Yourself Saying The Words Aloud

This is a perfect pronunciation practice. I always tell my students to practice pronunciation right from the beginning. What you can do is to write each word into Google translator and listen to its pronunciation. Then, repeat it in the foreign language after Google several times. Once you feel confident, start recording yourself.

You can either use a recorder or simply use your phone. So once you learn the pronunciation of the words, speak each word out loud while recording it. You can do only the first 20 or 30 words. Once you’re done, stop the recording and play it. This way, you can listen to yourself whether you pronounce the words correctly. And a big plus, you are learning the words.

Pro Tip: I use this method also in the intermediate stage of my language learning. Once I know the basics, and want to learn whole sentences and conjugation of verbs. I use a recorder, pronounce sentences I want to learn, and record myself. After, I take the recorder with me and listen to it when walking or doing other activities. It helps me not only to memorize words and sentences but also with the correct pronunciation.



6. Change Words In A Sentence

This is such a fun process. One of the best methods to learn a language on your own is talking to yourself. I do it all the time, and its worksperfectly. Whenever I go to a supermarket, or for a walk. I start talking to myself in a foreign language. It can be any topic. I either talk to myself about things I see during the walk, or I just say what I’m doing or what I’ve gone through for the past week.

We are at the beginning of our language learning. So just make it easier. Whenever you see or think about a word on our list, say it in a foreign language. You can talk to yourself in your native language. Once you come across a word from our 100-word list, say it in the foreign language. This will help you remember the words much better.



7. Write The Words Into Vocabulary Sheets

Last but not least, you can also use the vocabulary sheets I’ve designed for you. Find your own way how to use them. It basically serves as a temporary language notebook. You can keep track of each word you’re learning in a day. Or, if you’re creating a vocabulary wall, write all words you want to put onto the walk first into the vocabulary sheet. Once you put a word onto the wall, cross it out in the sheet.


Use Gold List Method

What you can also do is to use the so-called Gold List Method invented by David James.

On the first day, write all 100 words onto one sheet (or how many sheets you’ll need for it). Write them in a column. Next to each word, write its translation in your native language. Don’t try to memorize the words. Just leave it for the day. On the next day, do the same thing. Write all 100 words again into the sheets. Repeat this process for 6 days in a row.

On day 7, take blank vocabulary sheets and the words with translations you wrote on day 6. First, cover the words written in the foreign language with your hand or anything so that you can only see the translations in your native language. Then, go through each word and write it in the foreign language into the blank sheet. You’ll see how much you can remember just from writing all 100 words each day in the foreign language with translations.


Gold List Method Explanation

This method was invented by David James, a polyglot who saw the potential of how much our brain can remember just from writing new vocabulary down. It is mainly used by intermediate learners who can already create sentences. I slightly changed the method here and accommodated it to the very beginner stage. If you like to learn about the original Gold List method, refer to the OpenLearn website from the Open University and find out more.

Vocabulary lists for topic specific vocabulary
Use my vocabulary sheets to learn 100 words



These are the most effective strategies you can use to learn the first 100 words in any foreign language. Choose a technique that resonates with you. Whichever you like the most, go for it. You can also try all the techniques and then use the one you like the most.

I hope it will help you to learn your first 100 words in any foreign language.



What To Do After You Learn The First 100 Words?

Congratulations if you’ve learned your 100 words in a foreign language. That’s amazing. Now I don’t want to leave you alone, figuring out what to do next. So here are a few tips you can implement into your language learning process.


Vocabulary & Grammar Basics

Read my article about what to learn in a new language. It’ll give you the exact topics you need to learn as a beginner in any foreign language. I’ve broken down what you can learn each week, including basic vocabulary and grammar. So check it out. It’ll guide you through the next steps.


Topic Ideas To Learn In A New Language

Once you know the basics of your target language, it’s time to move further. I recommend you implement my language learning method. Thanks to it, I’ve learned 3 languages, which I now speak fluently. You’ll basically learn vocabulary in topics and create sentences. First, you’ll think about situations within which you want to speak a foreign language. Think about words necessary to communicate in that situation, and then you’ll create sentences with them.

To understand the entire process of learning topic-based vocabulary, read my article about the best way to learn a language by yourself. After, check out the best 8 topic ideas to learn vocabulary in a foreign language.


Incorporate More Language Resources

To get from the beginner level to the intermediate, I recommend you start incorporating more language resources.

Start listening to audiobooks that will help you understand the language more in-depth. Choose an audiobook from the following languages:


You can also listen to the best language learning podcasts on the way to work or school and get more familiar with the language.

Choose some of the best foreign language books and start reading. Language magazines are also a great way to learn a foreign language. They often talk about topics we are interested in, which makes the learning process even more enjoyable.

Check out the best way to learn a language online for free. You can watch movies or videos if you feel less motivated to learn. You don’t necessarily have to stuff your head with new vocabulary all the time. Sometimes, it is just important to spend some time with the language. Movies and videos are great for it.

Read about best app to watch TV shows in different languages. It’ll help you to learn new vocabulary in context, which is the best way to learn any languge. Especially at the beginning of your language learning journey.



This is the list of the essential 100 to learn in a foreign language. Get the list and start learning your foreign language. Choose one or a few methods to learn the words in a fun and effective way. Also, check out my language blog for more inspiration on language learning.


I wish you a happy learning. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun when learning languages. It will bring you success.




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