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best way to learn German vocabulary

Best Way To Learn German Vocabulary: Ultimate Guide

This article about the best way to learn German vocabulary may contain affiliate/compensated links. For full information, please see my disclaimer here.

I’ve mentioned several times that German is the best language to learn to travel Europe (or be in Europe). It has several reasons. To name few, German is the official language of three European countries. In addition, you’ll meet Germans almost everywhere you travel. Also, if you plan to do business, it’ll open up great opportunities for you. So it’s a very useful language to learn.

This article will give you an insight into the best way to learn German vocabulary. It’ll be an essential part of your German language learning journey. So stay tuned!

The Best Way To Learn German Vocabulary

The best way to learn German vocabulary is to select specific topics/situations in which you want to speak the German language. For example, it can be a business talk, checking in to your hotel in the German language, booking a trip, or asking for directions on the street. After you pick specific words that you’ll need to speak in each situation. Finally, you’ll have to use effective strategies to learn the vocabulary, which I’ll explain in this article. So keep reading.

best way to learn German vocabulary
Best way to learn German vocabulary: Learning topic-specific vocabulary

Overview Of The Best Way To Learn German Vocabulary

Now that you know the best way to learn German vocabulary, let’s discuss it more.

Here is a quick overview of the best way to learn German vocabulary:

  1. Select Topic-Specific Vocabulary
  2. Think Of All Words You Need In Each Situation
  3. Translate Vocabulary In Each Situation Into German
  4. Learn German Vocabulary Using My Effective Strategies
  5. Practice German Vocabulary On iTalki

1. Select Topic-Specific Vocabulary

First of all, you’ll have to select topic-specific vocabulary. Think about situations when you’ll need to speak the German language. For example, I teach my clients how to learn languages for travel. In this case, I would pick the following situations if I wanted to learn German for travel:

  • Getting around an airport/airport signs/checking in to your flight
  • Getting a taxi
  • Checking into a hotel
  • Asking for directions on the street
  • Booking a sightseeing activity with a local operator
  • Introducing yourself to new friends on the road
  • Ordering drinks and food in a restaurant


There are a few situations in which you might have to speak German once you travel. So these situations will be your topics.

You can think about your topics based on the situations in which you want to speak German. It can be for business or communication with your foreign friends and family. Whatever it is, write these situations down in your language notebook.

2. Think Of All Words You’ll Need In Each Situation

Once you select your topics/situations, we’ll move on to the next step. Again, pick one topic/situation, and think about all words you’ll need to speak within that situation.

For example, I can pick a travel situation ‘Checking in to a hotel’. In this case, I would think about all words and vocabulary I’ll need to speak when checking in to my hotel. These words can be:

  • Hello
  • I have a reservation for two nights
  • My name is…
  • Words on a hotel registration card
  • Can I have late checkout?
  • What time is breakfast?
  • Can you organize a private shuttle for me?


I might use these words and sentences at the reception when checking into my hotel.

PRO TIP: I’d also think of words/sentences the receptionist might ask me. Write these words and sentences, too.

PRO TIP: You can brainstorm vocabulary for each topic in your native language. Write down all words and sentences that come to your mind for one situation. After, you’ll translate them into German.

create sentences language learning goals

3. Translate Vocabulary In Each Situation Into German

Once you have all your topic-specific vocabulary in your language notebook, it’s time to translate it. First, use Deepl translator to translate your words and sentences for each topic into German. Then, write these German words into your language notebook.

This is it. You’ve completed the process of topic-specific vocabulary. Then it’s time to learn German vocabulary.

4. Learn German Vocabulary Using My Effective Strategies

Congratulations. You now have all the necessary words that you’ll need to get to speak German. It’s time to learn this German vocabulary and have fun.

Go to my article about how to learn vocabulary fast. I’ve written 17 practical tips on how you can learn vocabulary effectively. Pick the ones you find the most interesting and start learning your German vocabulary.

languages for travel

4. Practice German Vocabulary On iTalki

Once you remember the German vocabulary in each situation you want to speak German, it’ll be time to practice speaking.

Many people learn vocabulary but can’t use it in the real world. I don’t want this to happen to you.

My strategy is to practice the German vocabulary and sentences you learn on your own on iTalki.

iTalki is an amazing language platform where you can find tutors to practice your foreign language. You can choose your tutor and have private conversations with him.

I suggest you find one tutor on iTalki. First, book a trial lesson (which is usually free of charge). During the trial lesson, tell him about your German learning strategy. Tell him that you’ve been learning German vocabulary in specific situations. Then pick one situation per lesson, and practice speaking with your tutor in this situation using the German vocabulary you learned on your own.

This is the best way to learn German vocabulary. First, you’ll put in your work, trying to remember German vocabulary. Then you’ll get to practice the vocabulary in each situation with a real German-speaking person. It’ll get you to fluency much faster. In addition, you’ll become a lot more confident in speaking.

I learn languages this way, and it works perfectly. So try it out!

If you want to try iTalki, you can register online for free. Then look for your tutor. If you like one, book a trial lesson. You’ll only pay for the lesson with your tutor after.

Learn German Vocabulary On ITalki

How To Approach Learning German Definite Articles?

One of the best and most efficient ways to learn definite articles in German is to associate each article with one colour.

German has 3 definite articles: DER, DIE, DAS. As I mentioned above, there is no rule for which noun has which article. It is random, and you’ll just have to remember this article for each noun. This is one of the most difficult things to learn in German. But it doesn’t have to be. I have a great trick for you to learn these definite articles.

Associate Each Definite Article With A Colour

Associate each article with one colour. For instance, DER will be blue, DIE will be yellow, and DAS will be red.

Now, whenever you need to learn a German noun together with a definite article, just look at which article the noun has and then imagine this noun in your head with the colour of the article.

Example Of German Nouns & Colours

For example, let’s say we have a noun: ‘Apfel.‘ ‘Apfel’ in German means ‘apple,’ and its definite article is DER. Since we attributed the blue colour to the article DER, you must imagine that an apple is blue. So if you imagine in your head that an apple is blue, you’ll automatically know it uses article DER.

Or, let’s say, a car (das Auto in German) uses the article ‘DAS.’ We attributed red colour to the article DAS. So now, imagine that a car is always red. This way, you’ll know that car uses DAS as an article.

A Few Examples Of German Nouns With Definite Articles (& Colours)

an apple DER APFEL

honey = DER HONIG


a church = DIE KIRCHE

a car = DAS AUTO

a book = DAS BUCH

So whenever you’re learning nouns in the German language, always associate them with the colour of a respective article. This way, it will make it much more fun and easy for you to remember definite articles.

If you want to keep learning German, check out the best way to learn German vocabulary.

More Tips For Language Learning

This is the best way to learn German vocabulary. If you need more tips for German learning, check out my language blog. If you’re interested in the way I learn languages, read my article about how to learn a language for travel.

Go to my language resources to boost your German learning even more. You’ll find amazing language podcasts, foreign language books, language magazines, and even best German audiobooks for beginners.

Happy German Learning!

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