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how to watch tv shows in different languages

Watching movies and TV shows in foreign languages significantly improves our language skills. It’s fun and engaging and motivates us to learn a language, even if we don’t like it.

I’ve already learned 3 foreign languages, and watching movies or TV shows is a great way to better understand the language and be more flexible when speaking it. I’ve found a great platform that will help you with it.

In this article, I’ll explain my method for learning languages while watching TV shows and movies and where you can do so.

Let’s explore it together.

How To Watch TV Shows In Different Languages? Answered!

The best way to watch TV shows and movies in different languages is on Lingopie or by using a VPN.

When I discovered Lingopie platform, I immediately fell in love. It has different shows and movies and contains features (like vocabulary study and flashcards) that help you learn the language more in-depth.

Lingopie is like Netflix, which supports you in learning foreign languages. It offers TW shows and movies in different languages (11 languages). It teaches you new words from the movie and gives you a script with each sentence from the show or movie.

Another option is to get a VPN (Virtual Private Network), change your location, and access TV shows and movies from the country where your language is spoken.

✈ Language Resources For Your Learning ✈

Here are some of my favorite language-learning resources I use to learn foreign languages:

Practice speaking on iTALKI
Listen to a podcast on COFFEE BREAK LANGUAGES
Get my LANGUAGE TRAVEL NOTEBOOK to keep track of new words
Watch TV Series & Movies on LINGOPIE.

βœ… Watch On Lingopie

Lingopie makes learning languages by watching TV shows and movies more purposeful. It motivates you to learn new words and sentences while watching your favorite TV show. Sometimes, you might not even realize you’re learning. The words automatically come to your head because you’re watching something you like and are interested in.

You can choose from their database of TV shows and movies in 11 different languages.

English Subtitles & Flashcards

When you choose a TV show or a movie, English subtitles are on the screen. Whenever there is a word they suggest you learn in a foreign language, it pops up above the subtitles.

You can listen to its pronunciation and save it to your flashcards by clicking on it.It’ll save it to your flashcard section.

You can listen to the pronunciation of each word and go through all the words you want to remember. Whenever you have learned a word, click the ‘I know’ button, which transfers the word to the ‘Mastered Flashcards’ section, meaning you’ve learned the word.

Script & Voice Recognition

There is a script on the right-hand side of your screen with each sentence from the TV show written in your foreign language. You can watch the TV show and see which sentence the characters are saying.

Then, if you click on a sentence, you can also listen to its pronunciation. After, you can even record yourself saying the sentence out loud. The system will record you and give you feedback on how well you did in terms of pronunciation. It’s amazing.

TV Lexicon – LingoPie Video Dictionary

Another great feature I love is the Lingopie video dictionary. It’s one of my favorite features because it helps you learn words in a context. Go to the section’ TV Lexicon’, type any word, and click on search. Lingopie then lists all moves and TV shows from their database where this word is mentioned.

It’ll help you understand the word in different situations and remember it better. You’ll also be more confident in using the word when speaking and know its different meanings.

Languages Offered By Lingopie

At the moment, you can learn the following 11 languages with Lingopie:

  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Portuguese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Chinese
  • Dutch
  • Turkish

TV Shows & Movies Lingopie Offers

Lingopie offers different movie genres and TV shows in your chosen foreign language. For example, you can watch the following genres:

  • beginner-friendly shows & movies
  • romantic
  • historical
  • comedy
  • short stories
  • travel & food
  • best TV shows from the country of your foreign language
  • suspense
  • tearful shows
  • soap operas
  • telenovelas
  • mystery
  • around the world
  • crazy shows
  • thriller
  • family & kids
  • drama

πŸ‘‰ READ ALSO: 7 Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language For Travel

βœ… Use VPN

If Lingopie doesn’t cover the foreign language you want to learn, don’t worry. I have another solution for you.

If that’s the case, I recommend you get yourself a VPN. VPN stands for a virtual private network. It mainly serves to protect your data online. Your information isn’t private, especially when you’re using public networks at the airport or in McDonald’s and Starbucks.

The VPN secures all your information, including passwords, credit card numbers, and all relevant information, so nobody can steal it.

But why am I telling you this? How is it connected to language learning?

Change Location & Watch TV Shows/Movies In Another Country

Right, I know. Another great feature that a VPN offers is location independence.

You can choose a location and watch TV shows and movies from countries you wouldn’t normally have access to.

So, let’s say you are learning Chinese and want to watch some Chinese TV series or shows. However, you’re located in the USA or Denmark and don’t have access to these Chinese shows abroad. VPN is the solution.

You can access your TV shows immediately by choosing the country from which they originate, in this case, China.

Surfshark VPN

I recommend Surfshark VPN. I’ve been using them for months, and they are one of the best VPN providers.

Surfshark is generally one of the most secure VPN providers on the market. In addition, It offers access to unlimited devices with only one account, which no other VPN does. It also has 24/7 customer service and double authentication.

How To Learn Languages With TV Shows & Movies Effectively?

Here is my method for how I learn languages when watchig movies or TV shows (I prefer movies):

  1. Watch a part of the episode
  2. Focus on pronunciation and understand the meaning of each sentence
  3. Record yourself pronouncing each sentence
  4. Save new words into your flashcards or write them in a language notebook
  5. Rewatch the part of the episode to see if you understand it
  6. Keep watching another part/episode

Let’s say you’ll dedicate 15 minutes every day to watching something. First, only watch it 15 minutes without pausing and distracting yourself. Don’t look up words or add anything to your flashcards. Just listen to the pronunciation and try to understand the meaning of the story.

After 15 minutes, stop the show and work on it. Start watching the same section again. Stop it after each sentence. Read the sentence out loud and make sure you understand the meaning. If you want to learn a new word, save it to your flashcards or write it in your language notebook.

Use Lingopie’s voice recognition and record yourself saying each sentence out loud. Make sure you can pronounce it right. Once you’re done with the sentence and understand its meaning, head to another one. Again, play the show and do the same with each sentence.

πŸ‘‰ READ ALSO: How To Learn A Language For Travel: Full Guide

Which Languages Skills Do You Practice By Watching TV Shows & Movies?

Listening and reading are the 2 language skills you practice when watching TV shows and movies. You listen to the story and read the subtitles simultaneously, so it’s a double contact with the language.

Afterward, you get to pronounce and repeat the sentences; if you do, so you also practice speaking (if you follow my method and tips).

Get My Language Travel Notebook

I’ve designed a language notebook for you to keep track of new vocabulary. It’ll help you sort new words into topics/situations where you want to speak the language.

Whenever you want to memorize a new word, write it into your language notebook. And if you forget its meaning, return to the notebook to remember it.

Get my language travel notebook by clicking on the image below:

language travel notebook voices of travel
Language Travel Notebook


I’ve also answered frequently asked questions about watching TV shows and movies and learning languages. Check my answers below:

Can You Pick Up A Language By Watching TV?

Yes, you can if you focus on the language a bit more. If you watch and also focus on learning new vocabulary and sentences (by marking new words down, pronouncing and memorizing them, and then rewatching the episodes), you can learn a language by watching TV.

Does Netflix Have Language Pptions?

Yes, you can watch movies on Netflix in different languages by going to your account, selecting a language, and changing the language of the subtitles.

Where Can I Watch Shows In Other Languages?

Lingopie is the best platform for watching TV shows and movies in other languages. Another option is to use a VPN on your computer and change the location so you can access movies and TV shows in the country where the language is spoken.

Which Languages Are Available On Netflix?

Spanish, French, German, Italian, Arabic, Danish, English, Greek, Croatian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, and Turkish are the languages available on Netflix.

WRAP-UP: How To Watch TV Shows & Movies In Different Languages

These are my 2 favorite methods for learning languages while watching movies or TV shows. They have made my language learning much more fun and motivated me. Sometimes, if I really don’t feel like learning anything on that day, I would just watch a part of a movie or a quick YouTube video, not thinking about it too much. But still, I’m in contact with the language, which also helps.

If you have any questions or need help learning languages, contact me at info(at)voicesoftravel.com. I’m excited to help you.

Happy Learning!

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