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  • Post last modified:January 29, 2025
benefits of learning a foreign language for travel

Learning a foreign language makes us completely different people in a positive sense. Not to mention how many benefits it brings us travelers. And let me tell you, it doesn’t have to be difficult and frustrating. It’s an exciting process. By now, I’ve learned 3 foreign languages fluently, and I keep learning more.

In this article, I’ll talk about the benefits that knowing languages has brought me in life and motivate you to start learning. In the end, I’ll also give you a great method for learning a language for travel.

7 Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language For Travel

Here is a list of the benefits that learning a language for travel will bring to you.

Scroll down to see my comments about each benefit, my personal experiences, and how foreign languages helped me as a traveler and a person living in different countries around Europe.

  1. Makes you a better traveler
  2. Languages make travel more exciting & easier
  3. Language skills bring you closer to locals
  4. Help you understand culture of countries
  5. Foreign languages eliminate stress when traveling
  6. Grow your network
  7. Makes you more confident

✈ Language Resources For Your Learning ✈

Here are some of my favorite language-learning resources I use to learn foreign languages:

Practice speaking on iTALKI
Listen to a podcast on COFFEE BREAK LANGUAGES
Get my LANGUAGE TRAVEL NOTEBOOK to keep track of new words
Watch TV Series & Movies on LINGOPIE.

1. Makes You A Better Traveler

Languages enrich the lives of others you meet when traveling.

If you can speak at least a few words of the language spoken in a country you’re visiting, it makes you a better traveler in several ways.

First of all, you’ll be more open-minded to everything around you. You’ll be more connected to the people and things that surround you.

Secondly, you’ll be more sensitive to the things happening. For instance, you might meet somebody on the street who needs help. A language barrier might be a problem here and hold you off. But if you speak a few words, you’ll be more open to helping. Also, you’ll be more open to new experiences and everybody you’ll meet.

Finally, speaking a foreign language will help you get out of your comfort zone and talk to people more so they can also get to know you and your culture. They’re equally curious about you as you are about them, and the language will help you create a deeper bond.

πŸ’‘ My Personal Experience As A Traveler πŸ’‘

When I was traveling in Cuba, we made a day trip to the countryside. If you know Cuba, people live in quite poor circumstances on the mainland. Children are waiting on the side of the road, begging you to give them food or a coin.

I wanted to get a bit closer to these people and understand them. Thanks to my Spanish skills, I talked to a few of them. They told me about their daily routine and how their life is in general. Afterward, I gave the children some cookies. And it just made their day (and mine as well).

Languages make you more aware of the things surrounding you as a traveler. And bring you closer to them so that you can enrich the lives of others.

benefits of learning a foreign language for travel in Cuba
Travelling in Cuba & speaking Spanish with local kids

2. Languages Make Travel More Exciting & Easier

With a language, you’re automatically open to a better travel experience.

Let’s admit that with foreign languages, travel is a lot more exciting. You have this motivation and desire to speak to locals. You can order coffee or food in a restaurant in the language, which will make you feel proud. It’s very satisfying to talk to the locals in their language. And they appreciate it.

You’ll have an overall better travel experience. Wherever you go, whatever you do, people will look at you differently. They’ll also treat you better because you’ve tried to understand them.

Locals want you to get closer to their culture, and if they see you speak the language, they’ll create a better travel experience for you.

πŸ’‘ My Personal Experience As a Traveler πŸ’‘

For example, I traveled to Albania, where few people speak English. I stayed in a hostel run by a lovely local family. The guy spoke English, but his mom only spoke Spanish. She wanted to talk to me all the time.

If I didn’t speak Spanish, it wouldn’t be possible. She was so nice and even took me upstairs where the family lived and offered me lunch. Afterward, she asked me if I wanted to drink anything. I kindly asked her if I could try their local fruit brandy (Rakija).

She brought the entire bottle and even gave me the entire bottle to bring back to my home country without hesitation. What a great experience.

With a language, you’re automatically open to a better travel experience. People can feel it from you and take you to places other travelers might not have seen. Or they’ll give you things to try and create a much better experience.

benefits of learning a foreign language for travel me travelling and connecting with locals in Albania
Me travelling and connecting with locals in Albania

πŸ‘‰ READ ALSO: What Is The Best Language To Learn To Travel Europe? Revealed!

3. Language Skills Bring You Closer To Locals

Locals will be more open to you and trust you. And you’ll make long-lasting relationships with people around the world.

Speaking a foreign language brings you closer to locals. You can go places you wouldn’t think of without a language barrier.

Unfortunately, many people are still quite closed when it comes to foreigners. They might think you’re a random tourist who came just to do the most expensive activities and don’t care about the situation of the country and the life of locals.

As I have experienced, Swiss people are quite close, making it difficult for them to open up to travelers. But not if you speak the language and are interested in them.

πŸ’‘ My Personal Experience As A Traveler πŸ’‘

I traveled to Switzerland and stayed with a local family for 2 weeks on a cheese farm. Since I speak German, the language brought me closer to the locals. I was able to listen to the stories of an elderly farmer. He told me everything from the obligatory military service in Switzerland to cow milking and his own experience living in Switzerland.

As I was able to understand him, we automatically made a connection. It brought our values and different culture together. And he also became more open and talked to me about more things.

So the language itself will bring you closer to the locals. They’ll be more open to you, trust you more, and you’ll make closer and long-lasting relationships with them.

cheapest ways to travel Switzerland on a budget stay in a local family
Me helping in a Swiss cheese farm & staying in a local family

4. Languages Help You Understand The Culture Of Countries

When speaking the local language, you’ll learn a lot about local culture, the way locals live, and get their know-how to things.

Immersing in the culture when traveling is one of the most enriching things one can experience. For example, you can watch a Flamenco show that locals organize. Somebody told you it’s much better than those tourist traps. And you’ll experience an authentic flamenco show.

Or you might be in Italy and want to experience a winery. Go the off-beaten path and find a small winery, where owners will make a small tour in their language and explain how wine is grown and produced.

These farmers or owners might not speak English. But their know-how and products could be the best in the country. And if you speak Italian, you can get the know-how and learn more things than on a regular tourist tour.

πŸ’‘ My Personal Experience As A Traveler πŸ’‘

Once, I was in Italy, and we stayed in a cute Airbnb in the countryside. Locals invited us for breakfast and told us they would take us on a small road trip through Tuscany. And this was because my friend spoke Italian.

We enjoyed a delicious breakfast with homemade butter, jam, croissants, and freshly baked bread from their little bakery. After, they took us to a local winery, where we had a small wine tasting. We also had an Italian dinner with the best pasta.

They explained how they make pasta and why they don’t drink cappuccino after dinner. The language brought us closer not only to locals but to their culture as well.

Lago di Garda Italy Lake Garda northern Italy itinerary 10 days

5. Foreign Languages Eliminate Stress When Travelling

Learning at least a few words of the local language can help you avoid many problems on the road.

Speaking the local language also eliminates a lot of stress from you. Just think about it. You’re about to get from one place to another, and people at the train station don’t speak English or any of your languages. Your body fills up with stress.

Your train leaves in a few minutes, and nobody can help. We’re in a digital age, and buying your tickets online through an app is common. But I’m talking about the countries which still haven’t adopted this system.

For instance, some countries in Eastern Europe. Knowing at least a bit of a local language will make you more confident about approaching a local and quickly asking them about your travel arrangements.

πŸ’‘ My Personal Experience As A Traveler πŸ’‘

I was traveling from Slovakia, through Ukraine, to Azerbaijan. My flight was from Kyiv (Ukraine), so I took a bus from Slovakian to the border with Ukraine. From there, I had an overnight train to Kyiv.

Unfortunately, the bus for 3 hours was delayed because of the long border control. And so I missed the original train I booked before. I came to Uzhgorod (the Ukrainian city from where my train was departing). And I didn’t speak any Russian or Ukrainian at that time.

Additionally, all the signs were in the Cyrillic alphabet, which I also didn’t understand.

I had to buy another train ticket, had no internet connection, and nobody spoke English at the station, which increased my stress level. I started to be concerned about how to get to Kyiv.

I am sure you’ve had similar experiences when traveling to Asian countries or anywhere else where English is not a common language. Learning at least a few words from the local language can help you avoid many problems on the road.

benefits of learning a foreign language for travel eliminates stress
I made it to Azerbaijan eventually πŸ™‚

6. Grow Your Network

Foreign languages will help you do business and make friends in new countries.

When it comes to your career or just making connections, speaking any foreign language can help to grow your network. People see you differently if you can communicate with them in their language, even more so if they know it’s not your native language.

Some people might be afraid to talk to you in English and have some language barrier, so they might talk to someone who speaks their language. But if you can approach and impress them by talking in their native language, they’ll be more open to you.

You can start doing business with them or become friends.

πŸ’‘ My Personal Experience As A Traveler πŸ’‘

When I was 19 years old and started studying at the University in Salzburg, I thought of becoming a tour manager. I started searching online for job opportunities, found one, and got invited to interview in Vienna.

After, we had a 3-day networking event, where I had to present many things to get the job. German isn’t my native language, but I learned it, bringing me closer to the company community. I eventually got the job (my dream job), which I still enjoy doing nowadays.

travel itinerary planning voices of travel my experience as a tour manager and travel planner

πŸ‘‰ READ ALSO: Easy 100 Words & Phrases To Learn In A Foreign Language: Study Guide

7. Makes You More Confident

Knowing a language makes you a different person, like you’re almost unstoppable and know your worth more.

I was a very shy kid and a teenager, and learning foreign languages helped me gain more confidence and be more open to others. Even though it was very intimidating for me to go to a new country and talk to locals in their language, I became a different person after I did it.

Learning a language and overcoming your fear of speaking it is a game-changer. It transforms your personality, you become more open-minded, and nothing can stop you.

It’s like you’re shining out a special energy that people can feel around you.

πŸ’‘ My Personal Experience As A Traveler πŸ’‘

I remember leaving Slovakia when I was 18 and moving to Salzburg for my studies, where people speak German. I had been learning German before in high school. When I came to Salzburg, I had more confidence to apply for a part-time job, go out there, and earn extra money to support my studies.

I also had more confidence to open up and make more local friends.

Speaking German made my new life in Austria much easier, and I became a completely different person than I was known back home. I was much more confident and knew my worth because I managed to learn and speak the language.

benefits of learning a foreign language for travel makes you more confident
Me enjoying my life & studies in Salzburg Austria

BONUS: How To Learn A Language For Travel

I love learning languages for travel and have developed my own method of language learning. So, if you’re interested in practical and actionable steps for language learning to travel, check out my article by clicking on the image below and get my exact strategy:


I’ve also answered some of the frequently asked questions when it comes to language learning for travel and its benefits. Check my responses below:

How Does Learning A New Language Help With Traveling?

Knowing a foreign language when you travel significantly makes your travels much easier, helps you connect with locals, enhances your travel experience, and makes you a better traveler. It also boosts your confidence and helps you grow your network outside your home country.

Why Language Skills Are Important In Tourism?

Tourism is about connecting to other people, and knowing their language makes it easier for you to connect with them. It can be connecting with locals, your new colleagues, and other travelers, and it makes your travels a lot more exciting and less stressful.

What Language Is Most Useful For Travel?

English and Spanish are the most useful languages for travel. English is spoken everywhere and is almost everyone’s second language nowadays. Spanish is spoken by most of the world’s population, and you can communicate with it in many countries.

What Are The Best 3 Languages To Know?

Spanish, German, and Chinese (except English) are the 3 best languages to know. Spanish is widely spoken in the world. Germans travel a lot, so you’ll always have the opportunity to talk in German and connect with other travelers. Chinese open up many business opportunities and help you discover the Asian world.

How Much Of A Language Do You Need To Know To Travel?

It’s enough to know the basics, learn a few words for major situations you’ll be in when traveling (airport, restaurant, hotel, trips), and try to create basic dialogues within these situations. Then, once you travel, even if you’re not speaking correctly, it will still help you understand others and signs in the local language.

WRAP-UP: Benefits Of Learning A Language For Travel

These are the main benefits and reasons I highly encourage you to learn a foreign language for travel. It will not only help you when traveling, but it will generally make you a different and a better person and help you in your life.

Learning languages has been one of the most rewarding things I have done for myself, and I’m sure it can also change your life.

If you have any questions or need help on your language-learning journey, contact me at info(at)voicesoftravel.com.

Happy Learning!

voices of travel about me profile photo

About the author: Nicoletta is a travel enthusiast and passionate language learner. While traveling, she loves to connect with locals using her language skills to learn about new cultures. Look for her skiing, hiking in the mountains, or exploring new destinations as she designs travel itineraries for her clients.

LANGUAGES: Interested in more articles about foreign language?
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